Advocate Panditrao Patil is a Practicing Lawyer in Kolhapur District Court. He is Enrolled With Bar Council of Maharashtra & Goa Since 1984. His Core Specialization Areas are Civil, Criminal and Consumer Matters. His Secondary Areas are Banking and Family Matters.
We provide rating to the lawyer’s profile basis the information which is provided by the lawyers to the extent of completeness of their respective profiles. The more precise and clear information is provided by the lawyer, the higher rating is provided in the same proportion.
Parameters deciding KG Rating:
Apart from that the accuracy of answers obtained by the lawyers while doing our simple legal aptitude test, the rating is also based on that - “The higher the accuracy in answers – The higher is the KG Rating”.
Also, the legal blogs, articles and opinions which are contributed by the lawyers on our website also aids in achieving higher KG Ratings.
The answers to end customer’s query and clarification to their doubts which are provided by the lawyers at our platform is contributory to ascertain KG Ratings.