Human Dignity

Human Dignity

Human dignity one of the most fundamental values cherished by the people across the globe is regarded as the very basis of human existence and all human rights. It refers to the intrinsic, inviolable, inalienable worth of all human beings. Human dignity constitutes the core of such fundamental rights as equality, liberty and integrity and is regarded as a compass to guide the courts to find solutions especially in cases where there are gaps in the legal system.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Due to its centrality in both the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the concept of “human dignity” now plays a central role in human rights discourse. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights both state that all human rights derive from the inherent dignity of the human person. Human
dignity acts as a goal or supreme value for the entire constitutions of the world. The paper is divided into three parts. Part I talks about the concept of human dignity in light of its philosophical foundations.

It further discusses various aspects of the concept of human dignity from different perspectives. Part II discusses the universal dimension of human dignity as the foundation of the acquired dimension of human dignity. Part III concludes the paper with strong recommendations and suggestions by which human dignity can be assured to the individuals in true sense.

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